How much does a Structural Integration session cost?

The cost of a session is $100.00 payable by cash or cheque. GST is included in the price.

What should I wear for a session?

Typically the work is done while the client is wearing their underwear.  So you should wear underwear you are comfortable being seen in.

Does Structural Integration work hurt?

There may be momentary discomfort while adhesions in the connective tissue are released. The discomfort will end as soon as the pressure used to achieve the release is ended.

How long have you been practicing?

I graduated from the Guild For Structural Integration in February of 2002. I practiced part time for five years and have been practicing full time since 2007.

Where did you take your training?

I took my basic training at the Guild for Structural Integration. The Guild is a school dedicated to the teaching of Dr Ida P Rolf. My teacher was the late Peter Melchoir a long time associate of Dr Rolf and the first person Dr Rolf designated as a teacher of her work. Since graduating from the Guild I have taken continuing education courses in Visceral Manipulation, Neural Mobilization and Cranial Sacral Therapy. See elsewhere on the site for further explanations of those modalties.

How did you get involved with Structural Integration work?

I was seriously injured in a vehicle crash when I was thirteen and again when I was twenty in a mountain climbing fall. By the time I was in my early fifties the scar tissue associated with those old injuries had my body pulled out of shape and in chronic pain. I tried massage, chiropractic, shiatsu and practiced yoga but the pain continued to get worse. Finally someone suggested that I try Rolfing. I had a ten series in 1996 and was out of pain!! I continued to receive work over the next couple of years and became increasingly interested in the work. I was looking for an exit strategy from farming and decided to train to be a Practitioner.

Do I have to take a ten series to receive Structural Integration work?

You will get the greatest benefit from the work by doing a ten series but if that is not convenient for you I can work on specific issues and you will get benefit from the work.

What is the ten series?

The ten series is Dr Ida P Rolfs gift to humanity. She developed the series as a teaching tool to give practitioners a guide to working with various parts of the body. It has become a systematic and methodical way of bringing the body into balance. As the name implies it is ten body work sessions, each session focuses on one part of the body with the work then being integrated into the rest of the body. The work begins superficially and as the series progresses the work goes into deeper layers. Deeper does not mean using more pressure. It is the intention to work deeper that takes the practitioners hands into deeper layers.

Does the work last?

Generally clients get lasting relief from the condition that brought them to the work. However life happens and new conditions may bring you back to the practitioners table.

What do I do after a ten series?

Often a ten series is all the work an individual needs or wants. However if other conditions arise that the client feels Structural Integration will help further sessions can be arranged to deal with the issue. Some clients like to come in for a regular tuneup.

Will I get a discount if I prepay for a ten series?

Sorry, no.

How long is a session?

You should allow an hour and a half for the session, you will be on the table for about an hour and a quarter.

Will my extended medical benefit plan cover Structural Integration treatments?

Unfortunately in most cases they do not. I will issue you a receipt which you can submit and occasionally payment will be made. I do encourage clients to make a claim in the hope that by letting the insurers know the work is being done they will come around to recognizing it.

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